Thursday, July 17, 2008

Receive the Power

As I think of my daughter so far away in Australia, I have had a unique opportunity to watch some of the World Youth Day (WYD) festivities live on the Catholic church's channel ETWN. While watching, I have grown to admire this beautiful song, Receive the Power. Sometime during the course of the programing as the song played, I was brought to tears thinking of the spiritual experience my daughter is having.

In speaking with her yesterday, she sounded so light, so happy. I can tell that her life has been deeply enriched by this experience. I look forward to her homecoming in just a few days.

I heard a commentator to the festivities this evening say something so profound. He said, the closer we come to God, the more we become our true selves. Wow! That describes exactly how I've been feeling over the last few years.

May you too be blessed by the spiritual message in this song.

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