Thursday, July 17, 2008

My Life Changing Mid-Week Church Service

One of the most valuable lessons I've learned throughout the last five years is not only the power of studying the word of God, but truly having the experience of that word.

I have also discovered that the word of God is not merely limited to the well-known Holy Bible, but also other texts that serve as supplements and/or provide new found revelations that are capable of penetrating the spirit so much so that the heart knows a divinely inspired word when one reads or hears one.

I recall a life changing moment at the previous church where I was once employed. I had worked all day and had my 3-year old daughter at the time was with me. While tired, I really wanted to hear the speaker. I told myself that her behavior would dictate whether or not I would stay for this mid-week service for the speaker is someone I truly admired and wanted to hear in person.

That person was Pastor Carlton Pearson - the person who has been denounced by most in the evangelical community for his "heretical" views known as The Gospel of Inclusion today.

The night I saw him in 1996, he said he had another sermon in mind, but he had been led to share another message that God had been pressing on his heart all that day and the message was that "God loves you."

That was it.

Hearing that for some reason melted all the concerns and cares that seem to weigh heavily on my heart and my mind. The tears wouldn't stop flowing and my baby was an absolutely angel that evening behaving beautifully in the pews of the church.

One would think, "How could God not love us?" However, with all the harsh doctrine and in our individual quests to be perfect - lovable enough for a perfect being like God - I look back now and know that my "lovability" was always in question - whether consciously or subconsciously. Was I really worthy of God's love if I was always busting my butt in my efforts to earn it?

That message that evening helped assure me that I was more than worthy of God's love. I am the baby of the Great Creator who wants the best for me. As much as I love my baby girl - and it is a whole lot more day after day - I am convinced that God loves us all a gazillion times more.

Thank God for the opportunity to know and most of all experience that kind of love moment by moment. All we have to do is just say, "Yes" to allowing Him into our hearts and our daily lives.

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